Thursday 23 April 2015

Voicing Your Opinion - Student Organisations

Before entering University, I thought that investing time in a student organisation would most likely result in me wasting my time and losing interest in my course. With some students, I must admit that this has unfortunately been the case. 

However, I have come to realise that in order to grow and enjoy a holistic experience at university, one simply must join some kind of student organisation! I am currently a member of the Policy Committee of GhSL, and hence I must point out that it is aiding me in building up numerous skills, such as working efficiently in a team as well and socialising better with others. 

Today, as most of you are very much aware of, is the day when students from all the faculties forming part of university, come out to vote for one of the two leading student organisations established within Junior College, MCAST, and the University of Malta – SDM and Pulse.
I personally believe that voting in such elections is of paramount importance for numerous reasons, including the fact that without relevance to the scale given to such organisations in comparison to the General Maltese Political Parties, they are somewhat powerful in what takes place around campus. Therefore, as students, we should have the power to decide (as we do!) who is to represent the student body in KSU.

In addition, we are given a voice. Whether we make use of it or not is a personal decision, especially considering the number of students who do not vote in these elections. I genuinely believe that their absent vote reflects another voice, which should be duly respected and regarded.

I strongly encourage the voicing of opinions, and not being afraid in doing so – which doesn’t necessarily result in voting for any organisation. 

Lastly, I wish Good luck to all candidates and well done for both organisations for the well-organised campaigns

Kaylie Chetcuti 

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