Saturday 28 March 2015

Voting Age: 16,17 or 18?

A lot of debating has been taking place lately, regarding the current voting age and whether it should in fact, be changed to 16 or 17.

The matter at hand is whether 16 and 17 year-olds should be given the opportunity to vote in Local Council elections or not.

Numerous arguments have been brought forward to the current discussions, such as the lack of maturity at this age, as well as the inability to form well-based stand-points because of the lack of education and research skills.

On the other hand, it was argued that these individuals are the future of our society, and the changes which will be the fruits of the elections, will also be affecting them.

As a matter of fact, in the latest General Elections held in 2013, a multitude of political parties agreed on extending the voting age from 18 to 16. Their decision was based on the fact that this change will bring with it new responsibilities for these young voters.

Extending this voting age would mean that voters as a whole will be representative of a larger section of society, which will therefore result into electing candidates in a more representative manner.

So, what is your opinion regarding this subject?

Kaylie Chetcuti

Introducing Myself!

Hey there! 

My name is Kaylie Chetcuti, an eighteen year old law student at the University of Malta. With a great interest in local politics as well as the legal sector of society, I figured that a blog portraying the teenage-student perspective would be a great idea.

My posts will regard current political and legal issues, both on a local and international basis. I also aim to transform this space into a place for debate for anyone that wishes to share their opinion or perspective.

Looking forward to hearing about what you have to say!
Have a great day!
